So these past two weeks have been fun, but also busy and we have all had a turn at being sick. I was first and got sick right after we got back from spring break.
Next was my husband and got it the beginning of this week and missed two days of work, then Shaylin finally got it yesterday and today.
It is so sad to have to see her sick. It just breaks my heart. Luckily this was not a bad sickness for her and she is so good about it.
She just is really clingy and sad, not her usual cheerful self. One nice thing about it though is that I got to stay home from school to be with her.
I don't know if it is just Shaylin or if it's all kids but it is weird when she is sick because she feels good for a minute so she goes off to play but then starts feeling bad again so comes back to me to cuddle.
(That is one thing I love about her being sick, is that it is the only time that she will cuddle with me anymore)
So anyway it was just great to have a down day with her and we watched a couple of movies together, it was a great mother daughter bonding moment.